joi, 15 decembrie 2011

des coming soon

miercuri, 14 decembrie 2011

About Measles

Symptoms and Signs
Measles, also known as rubeola or morbilli, is an infection of the respiratory system caused by a virus, specifically a paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus.
Symptoms include: Rash Fever Red eyes Runny nose.
There are various ways of getting in contact with this illness. The most simple one is through inhalation while standing or talking with a person who has Measles. Other was if KNOWING that you have Measles is when you start to feel the symptoms wrote above.
The cause of Measles is from the Measles virus. The human is the only host for the virus itself, a single-stranded, negative-sense enveloped RNA virus.
1)Travel to areas where measles is endemic or contact with travelers to endemic areas
Risk factors for severe measles and its complications include the following:
2)Underlying immunodeficiency
There is no specific treatment for measles. Most patients with uncomplicated measles will recover with rest and supportive treatment. It is, however, important to seek medical advice if the patient becomes more unwell, as they may be developing complications.
The Romanian measles epidemic
As somebody heard, Romania is in a measles epidemic,

luni, 12 decembrie 2011

luni, 28 noiembrie 2011

More Photoshop "Projects"

As you can see in the photos above, I've edited a photo, in which 2 of the founding members of the rock band KISS are. Anyway, that's not what this article is about. I took 2 of the 4 members in the photo and edited it. I used the option "crop" to crop the part of the photo that I want/needed. After that I made circles, using the "Ellipse Tool". I've selected there faces and used the option "Lenear Burn" see in the 3th photo. Adding the circles wasn't that hard. After adding the circles, how to add the circles can be seen in picture number 3 and 4, main target being the "Stroke" option (Photo 4). Well, that's pretty much what I've done, and I hope the photos can help you do the same if you'd wish to make something similar.

joi, 24 noiembrie 2011

Tuesday Presentation And Some More.

This Tuesday at my school there was a presentation about SEX. I had to make a powerpoint presentation, which I did. In the presentation I've added several photos that are representing what I've said.
Adding photos wasn't everything, I've also added a theme to make it look nicer and in the last slide I've added a background photo which I found on the internet. That's pretty much everything I used in the presentation.
(The presentation was about SEX, all that you wish to know can be found the the first link in this article.)

joi, 17 noiembrie 2011

More Frames Stuff

As you can see in the photo above, I made a web page, with some photos I had, and made a moving title. The background photo used was something I found on the internet. To learn more about frames and the basic HTML stuff can be found here.

miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2011


As the title says, this article is about a few suggestion on how the "practice" time should be more effective. I don't have much to say. Here are a few suggestion, not sure they are that good, but still:

- The main idea is to have a plan on how we put in action a plan to make the cleaning nice and efficient.
- Other idea is that everybody chose what they want to do, and they do it.
- Don't get mixed in with the others work.

marți, 15 noiembrie 2011

Practice Info.

"In data de 15 noiembrie in jurul orei 10 a inceput desfasurarea proiectului. Elevii au fost impartiti in 2 echipe de cate 5 elevi. Scopul activitatii a fost curatarea unei zone in laborator.

Prima echipa a fost echipa activa formata din Galea Ioana, Varga Melinda,Torok Camelia, Drobota Ovidiu si Brata Radu. Scopul echipei active a fost sa faca curatenie.

A doua echipa a fost echipa pasiva si a fost formata din Timisan Alexandra, Brandas Razvan, Cardos Razvan, Varga Ioana si Sanader Sorin. Scopul echipei a fost sa observe activitatea primei echipe.

Sefa primei echipe a fost Galea Ioana. Ea le-a dat membrilor echipei ei cate o sarcina. Torok Camelia a sters monitoarele, tastaturile si mesele de praf. Drobota Ovidiu si Brata Radu au curatat unitatile centrale in interior. Varga Melinda a maturat si a ajutat stersul de praf al tastaturilor. Galea Ioana a aspirat scaunele si a ajutat la ajutat Brata Radu la demontatul calculatoarelor. Drobota Ovidiu a pus mesele la loc ajutat de Sanader Sorin.

In final intreaga echipa a pus calculatoarele la locul lor verificand daca au acces la internet. Galea Ioana a aspirat covorul iar activitatea primei echipe s-a incheiat.

Ambele echipe au tratat cu seriozitate activitatea si totul a fost gata la ora 11."

vineri, 11 noiembrie 2011

Things I Did In The Practice Time

As the title, this article is about what I did in the practice time, that started in the 31'th of Octomber. There are a few things. At the beginning, we started to work with the html stuff. All about it can we found here. That is what we did for a few days. One day, we went in the local park near the school, and took some photos. We also worked in groups, 4 people in 1 group. After that we went home. The next day we had to use the html things we learned to make these photos in a table, that comes with we enters a web page, and making link that by clicking on them, they lead to other pages, and so on.
Other things we did, well let me see, we started to work in photoshop, editing photos (I think I like doing) and you can see only 1 of them in the last article written by me, found at number 1 2 3 4 5
We had a few days working at the PC-s working at them, by that I mean cleaning them.
As you can see in the articles 1-5, we had some work to do. We had some regular stuff to like, like the article in the number 5. Regarding the article on number 4 it was a group project, about "Stana de Vale".
Well thats what I did in this practice time, and all.

joi, 10 noiembrie 2011

Photoshop Work

As you can see in the picture above, I took some photos made by my classmates, and added them in 1 single photo. The size of the little photos are Width:100 Pixels Height:200 Pixels. After that I made a new file, size: Width:800 Height:500 pixels (both). After that I took the little photos, put them together near each other, and painted the whole file back (Due to blog issues). So that's kind of all I did.

vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011

Tables, Links, Photos.

Well, as you can see in the picture above, there are a bunch of photos. The thing you don't see in them is them, or can't do is click on them to see where the link goes to. All the picture contain a link that will show a photo of who made/took them. And to make this kind of table, well there are a lot of numbers and litters to write, but when you make the first 2, you will get the hang of it.

marți, 1 noiembrie 2011

Photoshop: Things

As you can see in the pictures above, I've edited a picture of Jessica_Alba. I used photoshop to edit her face with a snake skin I took from google. What I've does is not that hard, but due to the fact that I did it in a slow working computer it took me longer then I thought. Anyway, back to what I was saying. I added the 2 photos in the photoshop, and took the snake skin and added it in Jessica's image. After that I expanded the picture around Jessica's face. Then I pressed "Ctrl T" to do so. After that I used the "Color Burn" option to combine the 2 photos. After that I used the eraser to erase some parts that I wanted to edit and added colors of my own. After doing that, I added some detailed colors around some spots (Eyes, lips).
Well, that's all I could say about that I've done. In any case, there are many other editing option, the one I did is just a example. Good luck in your try of making something similar.

luni, 31 octombrie 2011

A Randon Classmate, And What Job Suits Him.

Well, my classmates with number 2 was the one selected to be describes as "What job suits my classmate" and if he has the skills for it. My classmate , known as Brandas Razvan and I'd say that he has skills for movies, and directing them. He has potential in that, and has knowledge in that domain. As much as I'd like to say that he is a good person, he can be a very annoying sometimes, and a pain in the head.
He is a calm person, reasonable and can talk to. It's true that he can get on your nerves sometimes, and to tell the truth, I still don't understand why he does it. As I've known him, he was "addicted" to movies.
So, from my point of view, I'd say that Mr. Brandas could become a movie director one day

Trash In The Classroom, Possible Fix

Well, as you can see in the article title, or the picture above, this article is about a problem with the garbage in the classroom. Seems that the garbage in the trash can has grown very much and it seem to have become a problem. I think that all of us have a part of the blame as nobody takes out the trash.
A possible fix to this problem is simple, but I doubt that it will last long. It's simple, start taking out the cash, at least 2 times a week. But as simple as the idea sounds, there will be individuals who might not agree to the idea, and won't do there part.
Other possible fixing solution, I can tell you none, since I don't know how to solve this problem if even the simple way is to much.

miercuri, 26 octombrie 2011

History: King Michael

King Michael Of Romania
-King Michael is the king of Romania. He was born 25 October 1921.
-He was born in the Faisor Castle.
-He is the son of Carol the II of Romania and princess Elena of Greece.
-He is the grandson of the great king Fredinand of Romania. He succeeded to the throne upon Ferdinand's death in July 1927.
-He reigned from 20 July 1927 to 8 June 1930, and again from 6 September 1940 until 30 -December 1947 when he was forced, by the Communist Party of Romania to to abdicate to the Soviet armies of occupation.
Turning against the Nazi Germany.
-During the World Work II, things went were going bad for the Axis powers, but the military dictator Prime Minister Marshal Ion Antonescu was still in control of Romania.
-King Michael was the last monarch behind the Iron Curtain to lose his throne.
-At the end of the war, King Michael was awarded the highest degree, as Chief Commander.

luni, 24 octombrie 2011


Well, as you probably wounder, in the picture above, it's a background for a project I had to do with a few of my classmates. My part was to make a background what would be used for the project itself. As I did that, the rest of my classmates had to take care of the Story, Helper, collector, and corrector. Each of us had it's role in this project.
I made this background in the program called Adobe Photoshop. The size of this picture is 800 800 pixels, and used the green font for it.
That's all I have to say about this project at the moment. If you'd like to do something similar, check some photoshop tutorial on the internet if your new with Photoshop, and good luck.

miercuri, 19 octombrie 2011

How will I look after 10 years

Well as you can read the title, that is a interesting question. There are many things that could happen in the next 10 years. They might be good years or they could be bad years. Who knows how will they go for me, but I think that if you do what you want in life then things will be alright and you can be a successful person.
Bad part is that if you do something you don't like in time you will come to regret it and that will make you look like a sad person in which case you'd hate yourself, but that's just a fact right now.
I can't predict the future, and I can't say for sure how will 10 years go, and how will that change me, but I know that I'd like to moves in another country, and start a life there.

luni, 17 octombrie 2011

How a laser printer works

In the video above, you can see "How a laser printer works". Once the paper enters the printer machine, it's scanned by a laser. After that, the paper is being written with ink with the text you want on it.
See the video for a full explication.

joi, 13 octombrie 2011

Table In Blogspot

Produs/CRTHartie Copiativa A4Eliet PaperHartie A4 Business Xerox
Pret10,17 ROM14,32 RON
Cantitate100000 foi6000 foi

Inspiration source right here

miercuri, 12 octombrie 2011

Compter Dual Cable

What you see in the picture above is a cable for the computers video card, called "Molex". The Molex is the vernacular term for a two-piece pin and socket interconnection, most frequently disk drive connectors.
All information about this connector can be found here.

luni, 10 octombrie 2011

"Endless" Paper

Well, what you see in the picture above is just a simple picture that can help me explain what I want. (I'd like to point out that the machine that you see in the picture has little to do with what I want to tell).
The subject is about the "Endless" paper, and what you need to know about it is that it's either way "Rolled paper" or "Paper without wood"

joi, 6 octombrie 2011

Excel: COUNTIF and more.

In the picture above you can see another Excel lesson. If you wish to do what I've done, you have to follow the following footsteps:
For the MINIMUM you have to use the =minim(C2:C11) Using the ":" will be a lot shorter then adding from C2 to C11 all the numbers. After typing the following formula, press ENTER and you get your result for your first calculation.
The next steps in the picture above is for the MAXIMUM. The formula is the same, but instead of MINI, you type MAX. It will look like =MAX(C2:C11)
The next steps is what this article is mostly about...about the COUNTIF.
The formula is like this. =COUNTIF(C2:C11, "< 30") (( I added the number 30 as a example but you can add what number you like))
That's how the result should the picture above, the COUNTIF is the third one.
The next it's about percentage, for that you must enter the "Format Cells" by right clicking on the cell you want to add this particular percentage. After entering the "Format Cells" select the option "Percentage" and add 0, then you will be able to calculate the percentage. To calculate it, you must use the following formula. =F3/F10. You can see what I've selected by looking at the picture above.
Well, hope this article helped you.

luni, 3 octombrie 2011

Excel Steps

As you can see in the image above, what I've done here is to add some number I wrote in a excel table in a graphic description. To do so, you have to write a few numbers, such as a mathematical calculation, or a day and days that will follow or anything related to number.
The next step to make the graphic part, you have to enter the option "Chat Wizard" that is located under the "Help" menu, and it has a symbol with colors.
After doing so. you have to chose what kind of graphic you prefer and add it. The one I made is just a example and your free to chose which one you like.

luni, 19 septembrie 2011

Excel Document, table

Well, as a start about this article, as you may have noticed it's about... the Excel program. In this article, I'm going to tell you about making a table in Excel and inserting some number and words.
Things you need to do to make this is: adding the words/number you want in a specific cell. Then you have to use the following format (I'm explaining what I did in the picture above).
And so on, the computer will calculate the number you told him and just press "ENTER" and there you go.
Also, you will need to use this
=IF(AVERAGE(B5,E5)<5, "failed", "passed").

luni, 12 septembrie 2011

Things that are memorabile

There are things that I did this summer... well there isn't anything interesting about it. I was at home most of the time, and hung out with some of my friend. One thing I did this summer was to go to the Jon Non Jovi concert on the 10th July. Besides that, it was home sweet home. In a few days I did some things, like going skating. Most of the time I spent watching movies, listen to music. And the last thing I did was play video games and that's all.
Like I said, nothing interesting happened this summer, so that's all I have to say.

joi, 23 iunie 2011

Things I Did In The Last 2 Days

Well I can't say that I did anything spectacular in the last 2 days. Since my school programs il longer compared with other school. In the last 2 days and my classmates had to start cleaning the informatics classroom.
The first day we had to unplug all computers in the classroom and and wipe the floor and wash it. Soon after that we had to clean the tables, computers, cables, etc. I wasn't table to do everything, since I had some problems that needed to be taken care of.
The next day we continued..."Part II" of the cleaning. We had to do another thing, move some computers from a classroom, to other classrooms and then to finish what we started. That "Task" we had to move a few computers, meaning: Keybored, mouse, monitor, and the source. We had to make a lot of roads from the other informatics classroom to the classes where we had to drop off the computer.
After we finished, the teacher and a few of my classmates went out for a pizza. Since i left my bag at school I had to come back and to get it.
And that is what I've done in the past 2 days...kind of boring but it had to be done.

marți, 21 iunie 2011

A personal computer is made up of multiple physical components of computer hardware, upon which can be installed a system software called an operating system, and a multitude of software applications to perform the operator's desired functions.

Though a PC comes in many different forms, a typical personal computer consists of a case or chassis in a tower shape (desktop), containing components such as a motherboard.

Basic Stuff About PC Part 2

This is part 2 of the basic PC stuff I presented in the previews article. In this part, it's about the plug in and plug out things. Well you will have to be wait and be calm when you work with this, since it's possible to break other things that are importatnt for the PC. After you are sure you know what your doing, carefully unplug witch cable you want to unplug, and unplug it. Well what more can I say other that, good luck plugging and unplugging you PC. And for those who don't know all the information about the PC, that information can be found at the link at the article "Basic PC Stuff".

duminică, 19 iunie 2011

Basic Stuff About The PC

Basic Stuff About The Computer
The computer is a very used device, and it's present in almost everybody's house these days. To some people, the PC (short description for computer) it's a good investment and like any other electronic (ex:Fridge, washing machine) over time it gets old and might need to be replaced, unless in time you "Upload" it.(Picture Number 1)
To Disassemble A Computer
In cases in which we have to check inside the computer, we have to remove the housing. Before we do that though, we need to make sure that the PC and the monitor have been deactivated for at least 1 day, well the PC for at least 1-3 hours, but the monitor must be shot down and not on "Stand-By". Do do that, we have to unplug the power source from the outlet, and the other end from the computer. Same goes for the monitor.
Removing The Housing
The computer's housing is made of a thin metal piece. Since the computers housing is so thin, after removing it, we have to place it in a area where we can't hit/step on it. Removing the housing, we need to unscrew the screws using a screwdriver.
More about the PC, and it's parts, and many more can be found here.

vineri, 17 iunie 2011

Oradea Stronghold

Well, in the picture above, you can see the Oradea Stronghold, this is a short story of the full project I made. This stronghold had a long history, and it can be found here.

marți, 7 iunie 2011

Little Incinerator

The little incinerator, and one of my classmates, thought that it would be a good…brilliant idea to burn paper in the classroom, for what reason, I don’t know. After a few minutes after the hour started, one or a few of my classmates used a lighter to torch the piece of paper. A few moments later, the opened the window and tried to get rid of the smoke smell, but didn’t do so well since the teacher arrived. The identity of this incinerator is unknown for me since I wasn’t paying attention to what is going on in the back of the classroom, I was chatting with one of my classmates about Rock N’ Roll days, and we(me and him) felt that small a little later. From my point of view, the individual who made this is a total idiot, since he filled the classroom with smoke that can make you sick.

duminică, 29 mai 2011

My Last 9 Articles

These are my last 9 articles I posted on my blog. I made them in 1 picture using Photoshop. How to do it, well make a print screen at the articles and past them in a new file, and past the print screens of your articles.

marți, 10 mai 2011

Making The PC To Understand Other Languages

In the pictures above are instructions on how to change the language of the typing in MS Word. To tell you what these pictures mean...well, the first step is to enter the START MENU and enter at Settings and go to Control Panel. From there do to the icon Regional And Language Options(Picture Nr.2). And for the last 2 pages, well that's what will appear when you enter the icon on picture 2.
From there chose the language you want you PC to understand and change it. When you want to change the language(after you made what i told you above) press "Left Alt+Shirt". Well, hope these information helped you.

duminică, 8 mai 2011

Microsoft Word...Making 'Ordered Table'

In there pictures above, I have made a list of Video Games...only as a example of what I wanted to make. To obtain what i made above, when you open the Microsoft Word program, enter in the menu at "Forum" and select "Styles And Formatting", and you will obtain a table in the right side of the page(see the second picture).
Before doing that you must enter at the menu "Insert" and select the option "Bullets And Numbering" and for there do what It's told above.
The fonts i used for the writing was "Times New Roman" and the size on "14".

duminică, 1 mai 2011

Easter Vacation Activity

In this picture above, its a small story of how I spent my Easter Vacation. I know this look like a short story, but to be honest, this vacation was a little to short and there weren't many things to do.

duminică, 10 aprilie 2011

Mess Project #001: GTA IV

Grand Theft Auto IV, is a third person shooter and adventure game that takes place in Liberty City, U.S.A. This game is a good entertainment when you are bored and don’t have anything to do at home. Even if you finish the story-line of the game, there are side missions that you have to do if you want to finish the game 100%, since the story is only 65% of the game.

marți, 5 aprilie 2011

Business Card For A Cartoon Character

I think you all want to know what i did, well i made up a business card....well edited it for the Cartoon Character Wile E. Coyote, from the Wile E. Coyote And Road Runner.

marți, 22 martie 2011

Microsoft Word Help

Well this is another thing related to Microsoft Word, called the paragraph. With this you can move the text where you want, you can chose how many cm you want it moved, and by looking at the pictures above you can see how it works.

marți, 15 martie 2011

Insert Dates

Microsoft Word keeps track of every document using the date and time in the computer, so that when you create a new document you won't have to re-make the current document over and over again. To make the window in the picture above show up in your word document, to to the "Insert" button above, and select the option Date and Time.

marți, 1 martie 2011

School Magazine: Skate

About Skate, well there are a lot of things that i want to tell about this interesting activity and how to enjoy it. SKATE can be very fun, especially when you are with friends. There are many things you can do with the board. But before you can do anything, you must learn how to stay and control the board.
Everybody has a reason for trying it, some people do it for fun and as a activity, or some of them do it to ensure a living, just like Tony Hawk. There are a lot of things to be said, to those who are interested, click on the link above.

duminică, 6 februarie 2011

What I Did In This Vacation

This vacation i was at home, playing video games,i went out with a few friends, but didn't do much since it was cold outside. Most of the time i spend playing video games. Another thing i did was to read a book called "Secret" ,to pass the time. When i went out with my friends, we just cracked some jokes and talked about what happened lately. After a few homes in the cold i went in the house and drank a hot chocolate and started to watch movies, listen to music. I did all these things when my parents where not home(home alone). When the weekend came me and my parents when to the theater to watch a play. After i got home i playing another hours video games, and then i went to sleep, since school was starting the next day.
Well that's all i did this vacation, not to interesting, but at least i was able to get some rest after a school semester.
...Oh i forgot about this little detail about this vacation. Due to some opinion reasons me and a good friend of mine had a fight and we still didn't settle them but i hope in time we will settle them.

luni, 17 ianuarie 2011


Tolerance and Toleration are terms used to describe attitudes which are tolerant of practices or group memberships that may be disapproved of by those in the majority.In practice, "tolerance" indicates support for practices that prohibit ethnic and religious discrimination.

A example, for me it was in 8th grade. Had some good classmates but had some morons too. There was one of them who maneged to get on my nerves coupe of times in a week. I tolerated his attitude for a month or two but he went way over the limit and i punched him in the face, that lead to a small fight and in the classroom but it got sorted out in the end. This was a example of tolerance.
A example of intolerance, happened to me in the 9th grade with a classmate who did things to piss off other classmates and he got on my nerves very easy and we had a "voice fight", but things did heal so fast and i still have some issues with him, but not that big.
So there it is some examples of Tolerance and Intolerance. To find out more about this things and other information click here

duminică, 9 ianuarie 2011

Classroom Nr 42 Rules

Weill, not my best art work, so not so cool