duminică, 29 mai 2011

My Last 9 Articles

These are my last 9 articles I posted on my blog. I made them in 1 picture using Photoshop. How to do it, well make a print screen at the articles and past them in a new file, and past the print screens of your articles.

marți, 10 mai 2011

Making The PC To Understand Other Languages

In the pictures above are instructions on how to change the language of the typing in MS Word. To tell you what these pictures mean...well, the first step is to enter the START MENU and enter at Settings and go to Control Panel. From there do to the icon Regional And Language Options(Picture Nr.2). And for the last 2 pages, well that's what will appear when you enter the icon on picture 2.
From there chose the language you want you PC to understand and change it. When you want to change the language(after you made what i told you above) press "Left Alt+Shirt". Well, hope these information helped you.

duminică, 8 mai 2011

Microsoft Word...Making 'Ordered Table'

In there pictures above, I have made a list of Video Games...only as a example of what I wanted to make. To obtain what i made above, when you open the Microsoft Word program, enter in the menu at "Forum" and select "Styles And Formatting", and you will obtain a table in the right side of the page(see the second picture).
Before doing that you must enter at the menu "Insert" and select the option "Bullets And Numbering" and for there do what It's told above.
The fonts i used for the writing was "Times New Roman" and the size on "14".

duminică, 1 mai 2011

Easter Vacation Activity

In this picture above, its a small story of how I spent my Easter Vacation. I know this look like a short story, but to be honest, this vacation was a little to short and there weren't many things to do.