duminică, 18 aprilie 2010


The color is the perception of the human eye of one or many common of the light. The perception of the collor is influenced by bilology. Some people, at birth see the colors difrent then they are, other cant ditinguish them. The color is a perceptiv notion the must not be confused with the waveleght. The human eye is incapeble of distingush betwn monochromatic yellow and green and red composition.The science of color is sometimes called chromatics. It includes the perception of color by the human eye and brain. Not all human eys are the same some of them can see the color diferent becose of the cone cells, in the retina to diferent parts of the spectrum.The colors of the objects depend on the physics and the enviorment and the caractheristics of the brain. They human eyes are capeble of of distingushing collor, based of the sesivity of the cells in the retina. The retina contains tree types of color receptor cells. If a person has missing cons or not norman cons that person will be incapeble of distingushing the colors meaning he is color blinde. More details here

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