duminică, 14 martie 2010

COD 4 Moder Warfare

This game is a realy cool game. Its a 1st person shooter. I realy like this game the story and the graphic. I cant say the this is the latest COD 4 because the COD 4 Moder Warfare 2 has been relased. Anyway what im trying to say is the this game is very cool and i like it not only the graphic, i like the story of the game the way its made. To tell it the short way i like thie game for what it is. This game will alwas be a great game, and a lot of persons will play it. TO tellyou a shot part of the story of the game it begines at the SAS training base...later....to a Russan military base, to prevent at terrorist from launching a missle, and to start a new war.
Well if you will play the game you will see it with your own eyse. have fun.

2 comentarii:

  1. good game that was, finished it in seven or eight hours, good article though, keep on posting dude.....

  2. Nice article .... hai te iubesc pa LO
