marți, 28 septembrie 2010

"Way's to come to another country"

"For who wants to come in Romania from Columbus Ohio follow these steps. Buy a flight ticket from the airport. Here you will find the right thing to buy. The next step is when u arrive at Bucharest Airport there are many ways to come in the towns in the Romania Country. For example to come in Oradea there are many way to come. You can come by car, bus and train.
For what kind of transport you chose its a diferent way to travel. I will tell you the way to Oradea by train. When you arrive in Bucharest buy a ticket for Oradea. More about the train rout here.
When you arrive in Oradea let me know and ill come pick you up.
Best Luck

duminică, 26 septembrie 2010

The Recommandation Letter

Letter Of Recomandation For The Next Chef Class at the C.T. C. Brancusi in 2010-2011

I would like to offer the recomadation a formal recomandation to Todor Iulia who was Chef of Class last year. I t give me great pleasure to recommand her for the spot as Chef of Class in this school year (2010-2011). She is a example and she wold fit very good at this post.

She intercats with the other classmater's and talke's with them. She can be somethings easely offended but most of the time she is in good mods.She is responsible and can handle situations in her own hands.

To: Mr Nemeth Radu.

Best Luck