luni, 28 noiembrie 2011
More Photoshop "Projects"
As you can see in the photos above, I've edited a photo, in which 2 of the founding members of the rock band KISS are. Anyway, that's not what this article is about. I took 2 of the 4 members in the photo and edited it. I used the option "crop" to crop the part of the photo that I want/needed. After that I made circles, using the "Ellipse Tool". I've selected there faces and used the option "Lenear Burn" see in the 3th photo. Adding the circles wasn't that hard. After adding the circles, how to add the circles can be seen in picture number 3 and 4, main target being the "Stroke" option (Photo 4). Well, that's pretty much what I've done, and I hope the photos can help you do the same if you'd wish to make something similar.
joi, 24 noiembrie 2011
Tuesday Presentation And Some More.
Adding photos wasn't everything, I've also added a theme to make it look nicer and in the last slide I've added a background photo which I found on the internet. That's pretty much everything I used in the presentation.
(The presentation was about SEX, all that you wish to know can be found the the first link in this article.)
joi, 17 noiembrie 2011
More Frames Stuff
miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2011
- The main idea is to have a plan on how we put in action a plan to make the cleaning nice and efficient.
- Other idea is that everybody chose what they want to do, and they do it.
- Don't get mixed in with the others work.
marți, 15 noiembrie 2011
Practice Info.
"In data de 15 noiembrie in jurul orei 10 a inceput desfasurarea proiectului. Elevii au fost impartiti in 2 echipe de cate 5 elevi. Scopul activitatii a fost curatarea unei zone in laborator.
Prima echipa a fost echipa activa formata din Galea Ioana, Varga Melinda,Torok Camelia, Drobota Ovidiu si Brata Radu. Scopul echipei active a fost sa faca curatenie.
A doua echipa a fost echipa pasiva si a fost formata din Timisan Alexandra, Brandas Razvan, Cardos Razvan, Varga Ioana si Sanader Sorin. Scopul echipei a fost sa observe activitatea primei echipe.
Sefa primei echipe a fost Galea Ioana. Ea le-a dat membrilor echipei ei cate o sarcina. Torok Camelia a sters monitoarele, tastaturile si mesele de praf. Drobota Ovidiu si Brata Radu au curatat unitatile centrale in interior. Varga Melinda a maturat si a ajutat stersul de praf al tastaturilor. Galea Ioana a aspirat scaunele si a ajutat la ajutat Brata Radu la demontatul calculatoarelor. Drobota Ovidiu a pus mesele la loc ajutat de Sanader Sorin.
In final intreaga echipa a pus calculatoarele la locul lor verificand daca au acces la internet. Galea Ioana a aspirat covorul iar activitatea primei echipe s-a incheiat.
Ambele echipe au tratat cu seriozitate activitatea si totul a fost gata la ora 11."
vineri, 11 noiembrie 2011
Things I Did In The Practice Time
Other things we did, well let me see, we started to work in photoshop, editing photos (I think I like doing) and you can see only 1 of them in the last article written by me, found at number 1 2 3 4 5
We had a few days working at the PC-s working at them, by that I mean cleaning them.
As you can see in the articles 1-5, we had some work to do. We had some regular stuff to like, like the article in the number 5. Regarding the article on number 4 it was a group project, about "Stana de Vale".
Well thats what I did in this practice time, and all.
Romanian to English translation
joi, 10 noiembrie 2011
Photoshop Work
vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011
Tables, Links, Photos.
marți, 1 noiembrie 2011
Photoshop: Things
As you can see in the pictures above, I've edited a picture of Jessica_Alba. I used photoshop to edit her face with a snake skin I took from google. What I've does is not that hard, but due to the fact that I did it in a slow working computer it took me longer then I thought. Anyway, back to what I was saying. I added the 2 photos in the photoshop, and took the snake skin and added it in Jessica's image. After that I expanded the picture around Jessica's face. Then I pressed "Ctrl T" to do so. After that I used the "Color Burn" option to combine the 2 photos. After that I used the eraser to erase some parts that I wanted to edit and added colors of my own. After doing that, I added some detailed colors around some spots (Eyes, lips).
Well, that's all I could say about that I've done. In any case, there are many other editing option, the one I did is just a example. Good luck in your try of making something similar.