marți, 21 decembrie 2010

duminică, 12 decembrie 2010


Ink is liquid that contains pigments and/or dyes. All of these things, are used to produce, images, text, and design's. The components of inks serve many purposes the ink’s carrier, colorants, and other additives control flow and thickness of the ink and its appearance when dry.
Pigment inks are used more frequently than dyes because they are more color-fast, but they are also more expensive, less consistent in color, and have less of a color rage dyes.
Many ancient cultures around the world have independently discovered and formulated inks for the purposes of writing and drawing. The knowledge of the inks, their recipes and the techniques for their production comes from archaeological analysis or from written text itself.
Other things about the ink, for example the ink is used in Tattoos, Invisible Ink, and many others.
More Info Here.

marți, 7 decembrie 2010

Crepy Paper

At first i wold like to tell you something about Paper. Paper is a thin material mainly used for writing upon, printing upon or for packaging. It is produced by pressing together moist fibers typically cellulose pulp derived from wood, rags, grasses. There are a lot of things to say about the paper, and its history but if your interested Click Here.
The Crepe Paper, is paper that is used it...other things, things that you will find here and other interesting things about Crepe Paper.

duminică, 28 noiembrie 2010

Opacity And Color

Opacity: Opacity is an easy to use program for drawing graphics for the screen. It's great for making resolution independent images and icons for applications and the web.
There are many things to say about the Opacity but i don't know how to explain then but you can fine more information here.
Color, is a visual perceptual property corresponding to humans.Because perception of color stems from the varying sensitivity of different types of cone cells in the retina to different parts of the spectrum, colors may be defined and quantified by the degree to which they stimulate these cells. Other familiar colors are from the rainbow, in the spectrum. Other interesting things about the color can be found here.

luni, 15 noiembrie 2010


The Risograph is a high speed digital printer system. This system is a high volume duplicator that prints up to 120 pages/min and can have spot color. This machine is very similar to the mimograph.(secont Picture Above, a little old).
Anything else about the risograph well, there are a lot of modeles that you can find here.
To be honest there are a lot of things to say about this machine anyway more information can be foind on the 'here Link'

marți, 9 noiembrie 2010

Microsoft Office Word: Font

The font, well where should i start. With the font you can change the size look of the letters. There are the font styles which are: Regular. Italic, Bold and Bold Italic. With these styles the letter will look different. You can see them in the picture above. Now the next part is the font himself. The font can change the way the letters appear, for example a file or a report you are writing (on the PC i mean).
There are a lot of different forms of font like the "Times New Roman" in the picture above. Anyway there are a lot of fonts, you can fine them at the Microsoft Word Program by entering "Format, Font" , and there you will find all the fonts the program has. Now for the "Size". With this we can select the size of the letters just like the picture above and as before just enter in Word at Format. The size is of the letters is selected there and can be changed even if you had wrote something you can change the letters dimensions.
Well now i cant tell everything because there are a lot of things to tell. For move information about the font and its components click here.

luni, 8 noiembrie 2010

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider is a caracther from comic books and a movie in which the American actor Nicolas Cage was Ghost Rider.
There was move that just the Ghost Rider Movie. A lot of comic books were made by Marvel,
since 1972. Anyway you can fine more information right here.

duminică, 7 noiembrie 2010

Fake And Real

In this pictures you can see some things that are edited with the program photoshop.
More things can be dome with this program.
Good Luck

marți, 2 noiembrie 2010

Interview About Movies

In this interview will be about the latest movies in the years 2007-2010. people have different opinions about movies, dependin on what kind they like. We will ask some of the people about what they think about them.

Reporter:Good day Mr. C. Razvan, my name is Brata Radu reporter from the newspaper from The Thought. I would like to ask you some questions about the movies from 2006-2010.
Guest: Of course sir. Will to tell you my opinion i thing that there are a lot of great movies, but not all of them, some of them are relay crappy movies.
Reporter: Can you tell me you opinion about the action movie Transformers?
Guest: Well Mr. Radu i have to tell you that Transformers was and still is a great movie and i liked it from the first time i saw it at the cinema.
Reporter: From what you are telling me i can tell that you like action movies. Do you other kind of movies, comedy, horror, etc
Guest: I can tell you that i like comedy movies and well movies is one of my hobbie.
Reporter: What kind of comedy movies do you prefer?
Guest: Well i will tell you some of the names of the movies
Reporter: Go on.
Guest: Hangover, Old Dogs, etc
Guest: Well there are a lot of good comedy movies i wont start to tell them here.
Reporter: Yes well thank you very much for this interview Mr. Razvan, and have a good day
Guest: Yes you too sir, good day
Sorce Of Inspiration

luni, 1 noiembrie 2010


Its this work...picture you see above, some pictures of the comic book hero Spider-Man.
Well its very easy to make such kind of picture if you know where to look


Its the pictures you you see above are the logos, sings of the American Heavy Metal band Megadeth. The band was founded by guitarist/vocalist Dave Mustaine and David Ellefson.

marți, 26 octombrie 2010

Students Graphic

This is a graphic about the students from 2003-2010. As you can see the number of students has dropped and increased in the passing years. Well this is what i can say from this picture.

luni, 11 octombrie 2010

The Classroom

Well there are a lot of things i want to say about the classroom where we study every day(not every days of the week). The classroom is old and needs a lot of change's.
The walls look ungly and dirty with old nail's in the wall. and the desk's we sit at are old and unconfortable and some of them are broken. As for the blackboord what can i say, a park of it is cracked and tend's to fall where ever it's forced, by writing on it. The classroom's window's are old and the door aswell. As for the floor i think its ungly and old and need to be changed.
Well what im trying to say is that the blackdoor must be changed with a new one and the door and windows aswell. As for the window's well they need to be changed with new ones's.
Well this is what i have to say about my classroom, it need's a lot of change's.

marți, 28 septembrie 2010

"Way's to come to another country"

"For who wants to come in Romania from Columbus Ohio follow these steps. Buy a flight ticket from the airport. Here you will find the right thing to buy. The next step is when u arrive at Bucharest Airport there are many ways to come in the towns in the Romania Country. For example to come in Oradea there are many way to come. You can come by car, bus and train.
For what kind of transport you chose its a diferent way to travel. I will tell you the way to Oradea by train. When you arrive in Bucharest buy a ticket for Oradea. More about the train rout here.
When you arrive in Oradea let me know and ill come pick you up.
Best Luck

duminică, 26 septembrie 2010

The Recommandation Letter

Letter Of Recomandation For The Next Chef Class at the C.T. C. Brancusi in 2010-2011

I would like to offer the recomadation a formal recomandation to Todor Iulia who was Chef of Class last year. I t give me great pleasure to recommand her for the spot as Chef of Class in this school year (2010-2011). She is a example and she wold fit very good at this post.

She intercats with the other classmater's and talke's with them. She can be somethings easely offended but most of the time she is in good mods.She is responsible and can handle situations in her own hands.

To: Mr Nemeth Radu.

Best Luck

vineri, 25 iunie 2010

A Grade For My Classmate

In the first place i want to say that this article is not so intresting.
From my opinion this classmate of mine deservest a B- at his note to wear. He somethimes anoys me and other calssmates. Sometimes his is a cool guy who u cant talk with but he can be annoying.
He tryes to be in the 'spotlight' by doing things and all but he is still my classmate.

miercuri, 23 iunie 2010

Cleaning The Computer Class

In the picure below its presented what i did with my cassmates to the PC class. This week me and my classmates had to clean the computer class. We were put in groups with ower tasks. There were two piuples who had to unmont the computers and take them in a diferent place till the cleaning is done. At the begin we had to move the computer, keyboard and mouse. The we had to move the table and the chairs and put them in the center of the class. one we put the tables in the middle of the class we had to wait till the other classmates clean them. Other of my calssmates had to mop the floor. At the end of the day we made half of the job we had to do: move the computers and tables and chairs etc. The next day we had to put the tables and charirs and computers back where they were. But befor that we had to finish the small thing we did not finish the day befoure. After we inishes all of ower chors we started to put all of the computers back to theyrs place.
After we thought we finishes with the computer we turned them on to se if we had put them in the right order. In ower surprise we put them wrong. All of them were put in a diferent plance and ower techer put me and four of my classmater to put them back where they were, and for the rest of my calssmates he let them go home.
In the picture below is presented the finalization of the computer class.
Meanwhile me and the four classmates started to put the PC back to their place.
We waited about 10 minutes...we rested a littel and then we started to put the PC's back tp their place.
It wasent easy, we had to put every cable to his right place and do not hit any of the other cables around.
We acted with caoution and put all the cables back to their place. After we finishes we booted the computers to se if we put them in order. We then noteced that all of the PC's were put in the wrong place.
Ower teacher put a few of my classmates to put them back in order. We started to change the computer again. We unpluged every cable and we change them. After 30-40 minutes we finished the "changing"
After we finished all of the chores we head home.

duminică, 13 iunie 2010

My Best Friend From High School

When the year started i didn't know anyone in this high school. I didn't make to many friend at this high school because mot of them were losers. In My classroom i made a few friends. I get along with them just fine but one of them sometimes gets on my nerves but in reality we are good friends. In Fact we all get angry at each other somethies but we still are friends. He use to go boxing, and use to ware glasses.A Nother of my frined is a short guy who wears glasses and likes to lisent to music(ROCK'N ROLL) he likes acction movies and he helped me when i need help at school he lickse to play with his dog . The other one is a bit longer than me...he likes to talk about his life and the tings he did he like a few kinds of music and likes to play games( video and in real life). A nother of my friend is a amigo who doesent realy like school but he is a cool guy and like to play games on the console or computer etc. Me and two of them went on a bike trib around town and we had fun.
Well these are the friends i have in the high school and i hope ill mkae more.

duminică, 16 mai 2010

The Byte's

1 KB=1024 Byte
1 MB =1024 KB
1 GB =1024 MB
1 TB =1024 GB
Bit = se defineste ca fiind cantitatea de informatii ce poate fii inregistrata intr-o celula binara

duminică, 2 mai 2010


In the computer graphics, a raster graphic imege or bitmap is a date structure representing a general rectangular of grigs and pixels. A bitmap coresponds bit of bit with a image display on the screen. A bitmap is technically characterized by the width and height of the image in pixels, and the number of bits per pixels.
Raster-based image editors, such as Photoshop,etc revolv around edited pixels.

duminică, 18 aprilie 2010


The color is the perception of the human eye of one or many common of the light. The perception of the collor is influenced by bilology. Some people, at birth see the colors difrent then they are, other cant ditinguish them. The color is a perceptiv notion the must not be confused with the waveleght. The human eye is incapeble of distingush betwn monochromatic yellow and green and red composition.The science of color is sometimes called chromatics. It includes the perception of color by the human eye and brain. Not all human eys are the same some of them can see the color diferent becose of the cone cells, in the retina to diferent parts of the spectrum.The colors of the objects depend on the physics and the enviorment and the caractheristics of the brain. They human eyes are capeble of of distingushing collor, based of the sesivity of the cells in the retina. The retina contains tree types of color receptor cells. If a person has missing cons or not norman cons that person will be incapeble of distingushing the colors meaning he is color blinde. More details here

SAMP Argonath RPG

I would like to tell u about a server in SAMP called Argonat RPG. A few monts back i was playing cops and robbers, gang wars...etc. When a friend of mine told me about this server. At the begining i didnt like it very much and still played DM servers. In a few days i got angry at the cops and robbers server and with nothing else to do i startd to play Argonath RPG server. I starde as a simple player, but with the going of the time i made friend and went doing some RP. Me and my friend stardet a gang in the server call the YMG, made allince with other gangs but as we had frinds we had enemys. There are some gangs , Mobs the are enemys with the YMG and we sometimes go to war with them. The servers has a few rules. If the rules are beeng broken the ADMIN(S) will give the player that broke the rules a warning and if he still keeps breaking the rules he gets a kick from server and if he still doesnt stop he gets BAN, witch means he can enter the server for ever( depends on teh BAN Type). I did break some rules and got some warnings but i never got Banned, In the server, to meke money u ahve to get a job(Police Medic ore Firman) ore illegal job, bet a ticked on lotto ore participate at an event.
Many players get BAN, the reason is that they enter with all king of hacks( money ahck, Weapon hack, etc). Now that i have a house and car and money i serer i like playng it, but no all day.
Some of the server rules are:1) No Flaming
2) No Spawming
3) ETC
Well there are many rules that have to be followe, becose if not the result will be a TempBan ore BAN.

duminică, 28 martie 2010

Something about PC

This is a
This is a diagram if something about PC well i dont know exactily waht it is, i think its a proces of the computer thats all .


Poker is a game at witch you can lose very easy. Many people play this game some for fun others play on bet and hoping to win. People who play on bet usualy spend a lot of time in casinos. Those poeple who spend there money in the casinos are people who will not give it up easy at poker, i mean to quit the tentation of the game. Some of them become dsperate and bet even on there cell phone ore there car etc. But i didnt say that poker is evil. There are people who play poker just for fun with friends and not on bet, and they play it at home not in casinos.
Anyone can play poker, its very simple some people play for fun and other hoping to win some cash (money).
In this game all payers get five cards, and a t the begining of the game all players can change three of theyre cards hoping to catch a biger card.
Ther winning cards are:to have a couple of the same cards (2 couples).
to have the cards in ascending.
and many others.
Well there are many ways to win, you have to know what moves you will do next and all. Good luck.

luni, 22 martie 2010

Cell Phones

Cell Phones are a good way to comunicate with otehr persons, in case you are in town are...ore not home. Many peolple use cell phones. There are new types and old types. The new types are theose the have teh bigger price, but not always, and ther are the old types, the phones that are...well old. Having a cell phone is a good thing, you can call someone if you need help with something. There are many typs of cell phone: nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, and many other types. If you want ot see more about cell phone click here

duminică, 14 martie 2010

COD 4 Moder Warfare

This game is a realy cool game. Its a 1st person shooter. I realy like this game the story and the graphic. I cant say the this is the latest COD 4 because the COD 4 Moder Warfare 2 has been relased. Anyway what im trying to say is the this game is very cool and i like it not only the graphic, i like the story of the game the way its made. To tell it the short way i like thie game for what it is. This game will alwas be a great game, and a lot of persons will play it. TO tellyou a shot part of the story of the game it begines at the SAS training a Russan military base, to prevent at terrorist from launching a missle, and to start a new war.
Well if you will play the game you will see it with your own eyse. have fun.

duminică, 7 martie 2010

A Spy In The Police Visit At School

In the first place all the things i say in this article are not true.Everything is fake here.

In this artcile its about a Spy. As i was saying he looks like he was planing to do something. To continue,i concluded that he was up to something, more simple a spy. Durring the police visit he was looking very intrested at at what they were saying and he was "absorbed" by what the police man said. The man looing at the "toys" on the table. He reali wanted to steal a water gun and start to shoot everybody in the face. When a police man stardet to explain he kept getting closerto the water guns.
When the police man finished the spech the man grabed the two guns and started to shood everyone with...water.
The situation was so desprate the the SWAT team was called. In the gunshots everyone was...wet.

miercuri, 3 martie 2010

Tattoos And What They Mean

Some people get tattoos beucose some thinke that it makes them cooler, but other people get thersellvs tattos boucose and want too know how it is.
Having a toatto means a loot of things. For example in Japan having tattoos can make someone people think your related to the Yakuza (Japan Mob).In the USA criminas and gang member have a few tattos that lets onther people who they are.For Example if a person, a criminal has a Teat Tattoo its the symbol of murder. But the tattoos are not used only by prisoners ore gang members,no the U.S. Army soldiers have an equally well established history of tattoing, to indicate military units.
There 2 types of tattoos:
-Permanantly Tattoo: A tattoo that once made can not be removed
-Temporary Tatto: A tattoo that can be removed any time you want
Tattos have a very long history and its better if you will see it with your own eyes right here on Tatto History

marți, 2 martie 2010


This is San Andreas Multiplayer. There are many good servers to play.There are Cops and Robbers servers,reallife server like Argonathe RPG and stunt servers etc.SAMP is a good game to play with your friends. I started to play this game 2 yars ago and i still like it. To be onest i didnt play it all the time, im not crazy, i played it on my free time ore in vacantion. Sometimes this game can be anoing beucose sometimes you can get BAN ore KICK for a stupid reason but thats if you breake the server rules that are beeing told when you make the account, but the game is ok.

duminică, 28 februarie 2010


Serpii sunt o specie de reptile fara piciare. Ei sunt pot fii carnivorii s-au veninosii.Serpii neavand picioare sau maine se deplaseaza cu ajutorul muschilor. Cu ajutorul muschilor si vertebrelor ei aproape plutesc.
Serpii au o reproducere diferita. Unii serpii isi depun ouale in nisip pentru protectie si pentru a le incalzii dar unii serpii nasc puii vii.Puii de sarpe, cand trebuie sa iessa din ou la bot au coltii pe care ii folosesc sa iasa.

Sarpele se hraneste cu broaste, insecte, reptile, si cu altii serpii. Ei pot inghitii animale mai voluminoaese daca corpul lor din cauza ligamentului elastic care leaga cele doua jumatati ale mandibulei şi a osului patrat. La sarpe vazul este dezvoltat, are ploapele unite si nu clipeste niciodata. Cand sarpele is prinde prada o ucide cu ajutorul dintilor, care sunt curbatii spre interior. Cad sarpele inghit prada acasta alunca prin faringe si esofag, acasta se datoreaza elascititatii organelor. La sarpele urechile nu au pavilioane

Sarpeli are o limba bifurcata lunga care serveste la miros, la localizarea prazii.
Unii serpii, cand le incalcii teritoriul ca avertisment:EX: "sarpele cu clopteii"suna din clopotel pentru a avertiza intrusul ca ii invadeaza teritoriul. Daca cineva sau ceva ii incalca teritoriul si nu ia in considerare avertismentul sarpe;e atata pentru asi apara teritoriul.

luni, 25 ianuarie 2010

Dezastrul din Haitii

Haiti este un stat din America centrala, in Marea Caraibelor, avind granite cu Republica Dominicana la est si are capitala in orasul Port-au- Prince. La data de 12 ianuarie 2010, la ora locala 16.53 in haiti s-a produs un cutremur de pamint de magnitudinea de 7.0 grade pe scara Richter. Epicentrul cutremurului s-a aflat in imediata apropiere a capitalei.Cele mai mari pagube s-au inregistrat chiar in centrul capitalei, asta si pentru ca infrastructura orasului si de altfel a intregii tari este foarte slaba, majoritatea localnicilor traind la limita saraciei iar acum dupa catastrofa si ceea ce au avut s-a distrus.Numarul victimelor se prognozeaza ca va ajunge la 200.000 de morti. Guvernul din haiti a anuntat ca operatiunele de cautare a victimelor au fost oprite pentru a se putea ocupa de persoanele sinistrate.

duminică, 17 ianuarie 2010

Ministerul Sanatatii:Vaccinarea

Ministeru Sanatati a decis ca elevii cat si studentii cu varstele cuprinse intre 14 si 24 de ani sa fie vaccinati pentru prevenirea bolii. Scopul extinderii acestei campanii este pentru vaccinarea gratuita a persoanelui care vor sa se fereasca de gripa HPV,pentru prevenirea cancerului de col uterin. Tot mai multe cazuri de gripa au aparut si ca oamenii au decis sa se vaccineze,di cauzi deceselor din ultima vreme, ca actorul Toni Tecuceanu. Daca banuiti ca ati fost infestat stati acasa si evitati contactul direct cu alti oameni si tineti cont de regulile de igiena care se impun.Mai multe detalii pe Campania de Vaccinare.
P.S. ignorati adrea de la poze ii legata de siringa nu de articolul pe care l-am scris.

luni, 4 ianuarie 2010

Revelion 2010

In seara revelionului am fost la un vecin, am jucat jocuri si ne-am distrat.La ora 00:00 m-am intors stat cu familia la mica petrecere pe care o aveam.Am "baut"alaturi alaturi de restul familiei si ne-am distrat.Seara cad au fost artificiile am fost sa le vad cu dar da unde eram eu nu se vedeau pre bine am stat cateva minute si apoi m-am intors in casa.A fost un revelion buni m-am simtit bine. A fost un revelion bun, a sosit un an nou.